Other Writing
(short fiction)
I came late to the hero’s tale but then so did he. I was pinned three days in the surf before he came along, holidaying, glutted already on monsters. He trod the air dragging a bloodsodden bag. He hid behind his godmother’s shield so that only his golden shoes peeped out. He did the chivalrous thing but first he bargained with my father:
We decided the dog would travel back and forth
With the kids.
Shark-toothed weeds edged the moon pool.
Your brow was creased as maybe in a dream.
The Red Word offers a snapshot of American college life in the mid-1990s, when two opposing forces collided head-on: the heyday of fraternity hijinks and the rise of third-wave feminism in the classroom and beyond. . . Study groups, keggers in the dormitory basement, all-nighters in the computer lab, women’s marches, movies